© 2016 NEWSODN Compagnia di Maria Nostra Signora
  • Sábado, 14 Setembro 2024
  • Exaltação da Santa Cruz

Province of Pacific

Provincia del Pacífico

Beginning in January 2017, the Company of Mary began a presence at the Catholic Center of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Kathy Schneider, ODN joined a team of 4 sisters and 1 laywoman who oversee the Vocations Alive program.

Its purpose is to be a presence on campus while raising awareness of vocations to the religious life. Through retreats, a spiritual direction program and specific events such as the annual vocation fair and faith development workshops, students are accompanied in their faith journey. The goal is to enable the students to realize they are called by God and need to discern what God’s will is in their lives. The programs offered are determined by student feedback and the comprehensive studies done on vocation development out of Georgetown University.