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  • Our Lady of Montserrat

A personal testimony

“My God, infuse in my soul the subtleties of charity” C.J.

June 2015 | María Angeles Martínez, odn (España) | Experiences

I want to give personal witness regarding Mother Cointa, since recently I have become more aware of her impact. The prayer, , I know Mother Cointa lived the phrase, "My God, infuse in my soul the subtleties of charity" in many acts of charity and the quality of her love expressed in tenderness, the new commandment of Jesus (Jn. 13, 34-35) Wherever she went, Talavera de la Reina, Badajoz and San Sebastian, I remember how in written material and comments the explicit testimony of the sisters regarding her kindness, especially in San Sebastian. Mother Cointa died in that city in 1954 and I entered the novitiate of San Bartolome, San Sebastian in 1956. I learned about the following traits of her life: the practice of solid virtues, gift for governance, an educator with apostolic zeal with students, alumni, that is to say, with the laity and open to the signs of the times.

I realize that in my life the prayer of Mother Cointa has been as a "mantra" I have repeated many times, especially in times of forgiveness, reconciliation, wanting to love as Jesus loved. I believe that Mother Cointa has accompanied me in my desire to be one with everyone, with all the sisters, also in those critical moments in life when fraternal relationships become more difficult. This is what in our tradition we call "union of hearts".

One day I received the card with the phrase, "My God, infuse in my soul the subtleties of charity" and since that day, I photocopy and give it away. A very important part of my life in recent years is that in giving retreats and directing the Spiritual Exercises to lay- people, priests, and religious, I find that whenever I have to talk about fraternal love, community life, and making reference to the washing of the feet (Jn 13, 12-15), the commandment of love (Jn 13: 34-35; 1 John 4: 7-9), St. Paul’s hymn of charity (1 Cor 13: 1-13), Mother Cointa’s phrase usually comes to mind. It is interesting that when I say the quote, someone asks me to repeat it ... I notice that people write it down carefully. Even more striking is that some share with me that it challenges them in their daily life, in critical moments of family reconciliation and their consecrated life. I find in a "charismatic" way that it touches the desire to live more authentically the new commandment of Jesus. They ask for the grace, "infuse in my soul," and desire for a love of this kind, "the subtleties of charity."

This experience of Mother Cointa made into a prayer is central and a charismatic grace. I feel that it was at the center of her Christian life, a life-style of solid virtues like Jeanne de Lestonnac, a life ready to change with mature discernment that led her to leave her beloved convent of Talavera and move to the Company in fidelity to the educational project of our Holy Mother, and openness to the signs of the times. Her direct relationship and correspondence with many lay people, alumnae, also speaks to me of an apostolic openness beyond the religious community.

I also find that in my writings I include the phrase, knowing that it “touches” and challenges; it is accepted and it is helpful.

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María Angeles Martínez, odn: Spaniard, missionary in Chile for 45 years. Specialist in Mariology and Pastoral Theology Served as president of Chile National CONFER. Member of the Writing Committee for the journal, Testimonio, where she continues to collaborate.



2 Comentarios

Me da gusto M. Angeles que sigas aportando con tus escritos que hacen bien muchos/as. Un abrazo.
Celia Villagra Silva says:
Esta jaculatoria esta presente aquí en Curanilahue, en el sur del país de Chile, la hermana Angeles que nos acompaño cuatro años después del terremoto que vino acompañar a los más pobres, nos transmitió:" Dios mío infunde en mi alma las delicadezas de tu amor" aquí nos hizo buscar las raíces de nuestro seguimiento s Cristo, es decir la experiencia fúndante, nos novio acompañar a los más pobres, compartir con los rostros de mujeres, entrar a sus casas. Compartir sus sueños y sufrimientos, por eso esta frase"las delicadezas de tu caridad, eso es lo que nos invito a vivir con los olvidados de este sistema materialista e individualista. Es el mandamiento del amor presente, mirado con los ojos de una mujer religiosa como es la madre Cointa, es la memoria espiritual presente en una generación que cada vez más se aleja de lo espiritual y lo que nos hace más humanos. Gracias a la Compañía de María siempre presente en nuestro pueblo.
